cellular_healing2Power of Reconnective Healing …

Until I met Reconnective Healing, like many others, I was skeptic about these subjects.
I used to have fun with some of my friends saying; “oh yeah sure, you will mentally send something and we will all be fine”. I was mistaken. Sometimes you need to experience it yourself to believe. Thank God, I was guided to a Reconnective Healing Seminar in Paris and had the chance to meet Dr. Eric Pearl and his teaching team. Well, I have to admit, my life changed drastically after that experience.

I started to feel more love within and wanted to share that with the entire Universe. Until then I was already a very helpful person towards others and tried to consult people with their problems. But with the help of Reconnective Healing, I started helping them in another level. Seeing the positive changes in people’s lives and the smile on their faces started to make me happier.

When I am busy with this work, I am not myself anymore and not on this Earth. I am transferred to another dimension and feel the strong streaming energy of light and information. The beauty of this work is the feedback we receive after a RH session. Most common ones are feeling lighter, happier, have more depth and serenity in their lives.

Once a patient of mine said; I have seen my father who died 33 years ago and he told me it is ok, keep calm during the session.

Another patient said; angels were standing by my side and nodding with their heads all is under control.

Again another case was reported as; I was with the person in the room, pushing the energy from the feet side and moving it up to her body while I was kilometers away since it was a distant healing.

If anybody else was telling these to me at the time, I would say” Ok, now you completely lost it”. But it is real, it is light, it is information. We are here to help each other. We are not alone in the Universe either. There is a gentle Source of Energy provided us through the Reconnective Healing which we can share with people in need. Keep your light shining …

Love and light,