I am super excited to share that our collaborative book called
“ONE: Let’s Connect. One World. One People” is out on Amazon as Kindle and Hard copy.

17 Change Makers and Leaders from 5 continents of Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America and from 13 Countries of Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Netherlands/Turkey, Canada, USA, Trinidad and Tobago , Dominican Republic, Poland, Romania, Eswatini and Palestine joined forces to complete this project.

Well, now it Is Done and finally out for you !
We all connected as ONE and put our inspirational stories of overcoming obstacles into the chapters that we hope will encourage others to take off the lenses of prejudices and put on the lenses of #love, #compassion and #unity
After all we are “ONE”!

None of the authors or people connected to this book profit from the sales. All proceeds go to various charitable organizations to primarily benefit children around the world…

📖 My Chapter: Message of Hope is in this book to give Hope and motivation for the people going thru all kinds of challenges in their lives.
📍 My Message to the world is: Even in most difficult times, there is still #Hope

To get your eBook copy,
click on the link below:

To get your paperback copy, click on the link below:

If you are outside U.S. These above links may not work for you.
To order simply go to #Amazon site for your country and search for the title of the book:

ONE: Let’s Connect. One World, One People

Your support of this project is greatly appreciated.

#bookrelease #newbook #makeachange
#bookcommunity #messageofhope